
Partners use the same certifications, the same assessment system and sometimes the  e-learnings of Product Design Guides to guarantee the same level of skills acquisition.

The teaching methods are specific to each partner training organization.

UI-UI Design
UX-UX Design
UR-User Research
TL-Team Leadership
LX-Training Design
SD-Service Design
PO-Product Ownership
MF-Meeting Facilitation
DT-Design Thinking
CSR-CSR Strategy Design
PRLA - Product Leadership Advanced
POL - Product Ownership Leadership
PRLI - Product Leadership Intermediate
UXPDL - Product Design Leadership
PRDL- Product Discovery Leadership
FTD - Facilitation Training
FSD - Facilitation Service Design
FUX - Facilitation Design UX
FCSR - Facilitation CSR
FDT - Facilitation Design Thinking
FUR - Facilitation User Research