What is Product Design

Product Design is an innovation framework for developing end to end products, services, organizations, governance, processes. It is the basis of tranformation by design. This Guide contains the definition of Product Design. This definition consists of competencies, events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together. It is an extension of the Scrum Guide of Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. The other teams functions either in Sprint or with Kanban or a mix of both.

This guide offers guidelines to collaboratively build an empowered (agile) organization efficiently delivering value to its end users.

Leadership team

The leadership team carries the organization purpose, defines the strategy and the roadmap. The sprint facilitator lead helps the organization to transform itself through collective intelligence with the sponsorship of the creative leader. It does this with creative processes defined in the purpose, strategy and roadmap design sprints. The product leader is ultimately responsible with the different teams for the end to end development of a product and/or service. The creative leader is for the sustainable & human-centered transformation of the organization. The transformation catalyst coaches the organization at all levels to align it with the purpose and needs of end customers.

Design team

The design team designs and validates with users all the necessary elements of a future product and/or service or even a new organization with the support of design thinkers, user researchers and brand strategists. It starts with the user-centered Value Proposition, a business model and, potentially, a brand. The sprint facilitator guides the team with creative processes defined in the design thinking, business model and brand design sprints. The agile team coach helps the team to become high performing. The value proposition lead is ultimately co-responsible for the value brought to the users. The creative leader is the sponsor.

UX dev team

The development team consists of 2 teams: the UX design team and, if the solution is digital, the scrum team. The former is responsible for the user experience of the value proposition with support of design thinkers, UX and service designers. The latter is responsible for the production of the digital solution. The sprint facilitator guides the UX design team with creative processes defined in the User Journey and UX design sprints. The scrum master guides the scrum team to efficiently produce aligned with the UX design team. The agile team coach helps the teams to become high performing. The UX design lead & the scrum product owner are ultimately co-responsible for the user experience of the solution. The creative leader is the sponsor.

Scrum dev team

The development team consists of 2 teams: the UX design team and, if the solution is digital, the scrum team. The former is responsible for the user experience of the value proposition with support of design thinkers, UX and service designers. The latter is responsible for the production of the digital solution. The sprint facilitator guides the UX design team with creative processes defined in the User Journey and UX design sprints. The scrum master guides the scrum team to efficiently produce aligned with the UX design team. The agile team coach helps the teams to become high performing. The UX design lead & the scrum product owner are ultimately co-responsible for the user experience of the solution. The creative leader is the sponsor.

Growth team

The growth team designs and activates all the necessary elements to scale a product and/or service with the support of growth hackers, comm creativists and SEO optimizers. The sprint facilitator guides the team with creative processes defined in the growth and comm plan sprints. The agile team coach helps the team to become high performing. The growth design lead is ultimately co-responsible for the scale-up. The creative leader is the sponsor.

Sustaining Team

The sustaining teams are responsible for the operational excellence of the organization and its user centricity. This includes all the products and services with the support of all the collaborators involved more or less occasionally. The meeting facilitators guide the teams with the creative processes defined in XXL workshops and operational & governance meetings. The agile team coach helps the teams to become "high performing". The adaptive leads are ultimately co-responsible for this excellence and focus. The creative leader is the sponsor of all these teams and artifacts.


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Frequently Asked Questions

This guide was written by Remi Edart to help organizations empower themselves with an end-to-end innovation process that they build collaboratively.

Improvement proposal

If you want to suggest improvements, do it with this email remi.edart@gmail.com


Over time those who have contributed to the improvement of this guide are: David Richard, Nikitas Kindynis